Bus Transportation & Car Rider Information

Lex2 now uses Traversa and the My Ride app to monitor and track transportation. Download the app so you can follow your child and also receive notices if a bus is running behind.  

If a student needs to ride a different bus he/she MUST provide a note to the main office before 8:30 AM. If the note is not received and checked by the office staff the students will NOT be able to ride a different bus home.



Click the Icon for more information!




The Academy will open the doors at 7:30 AM for students who need to arrive early. All car riders can be dropped off at the front of the school.


Students will be dismissed at 3:30 PM.  We take great pride in moving our car line quickly in the afternoons and to do this it takes a team effort from students, parents, and our staff.  All students will be assigned a number for their car.  Parents and family members who pick up in the afternoon should display the number in the front windshield of the car. We ask that you follow the directions of the staff members and drive all the way to the front of the car line in order to keep our students safe and the car line moving.


If your child is not ready for pick up, we will ask that you make a loop around the building and re-enter the car pick up line.   All students should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the dismissal bell (3:45 pm).


To avoid a loss of instructional time, there will be no early dismissals after 2:40 pm.


We appreciate your cooperation in following our procedures for a safe and fast afternoon dismissal.

Bus Routes/Stops
Click here to view the 2023-2024 Bus Routes and Stops COMING SOON