
Discus Logo
SC Discus is a collection of databases that will connect you to reliable and relevant information about SOOOO many topics.
Click here to access SC Discus.
*If you are accessing Discus from outside of school, please contact your librarian for the login information.
TumbleBook Library
Read free eBooks through the TumbleBook Library app on your iPad or by clicking here.
If the site asks for a login, use the same username and password you would use for Discus.
*You will need to contact your librarian for login information.
**TumbleBook, unfortunately, is not available offline. You must have wi-fi to access TumbleBook.

Open eBooks icon

Open eBooks is an app containing thousands of popular and award-winning titles that are free. These eBooks can be read without checkouts or holds. 

Students will receive an access code from the librarian in order to access the wide variety of titles available through Open eBooks. If you have not received your access code, please see the librarian.
*Books read through Open eBooks are accessible without wi-fi once they have been downloaded to a device.