Jordan Bittinger
* The SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST FOR MATH IS INCORRECT on the BCAA Website. Students DO NOT need binders or divider tabs. Please ensure that students have personal pencils and highlighters at a minimum for classroom supplies. (Notebooks and Folders will be provided)
*You can always contact me at the methods above. EMAIL is preferable during my planning period from 12:30pm - 1:20pm.
* Make sure to CHECK POWERSCHOOL DAILY for grades. (Google Classroom is used for all classroom material)
* Please CLICK THE LINKS below to take you to important resources such as the retake forms, Desmos Calculator, Syllabus and more!
Please note the following for MATH CLASS GRADES!
*Students are able to submit a RETAKE FORM for any HIGH-CATEGORY grade book items (examples: unit tests)
*Students are able to submit a CORRECTIONS FORM for any LOW OR MIDDLE CATEGORY grade book items (examples: quizzes and classwork)