Jr. Beta Club
Jr. Beta Club is a national organization promoting and preparing today's students to be tomorrow's leaders. Each fall students are invited to join based on their academic achievement, character, leadership, and service.
In the past, members of Jr. Beta Club have volunteered at Brookland Baptist Soup Kitchen, read to students at Cayce Elementary, and designed and built a literacy themed float for West Columbia Kinetic Derby Day parade. Some events Jr. Beta Club has participated in the past are: sponsored food drives each year at Busbee Creative Arts Academy and volunteered at KJ's Market in West Columbia. The Jr. Beta Club members donated the nonperishable food items to God's Helping Hands and Cayce Cares.
The Jr. Beta Club attended the SC State Convention in Myrtle Beach last month. Students competed in the areas of: visual performing arts, speech, 2-D design, woodworking, photography, pottery, sculpture recyclable art and club trading pin. They also competed in the academic areas of poetry, creative writing. math and language arts.
The Beta Club students hope to begin volunteering at the Brookland-Lakeview Empowerment Center Soup Kitchen throughout the months of February and March. We look forward to serving our community!
Beta Club Pictures
Soup Kitchen Photos 2023