Artwork featured on Letters to Pre-Scientists bag Congratulations to Lucy Berry! Her artwork was selected as the art on the Letters to Pre-Scientists bag.
Willy Wonka Jr. The Busbee Performing Arts Company will be performing Willy Wonka Jr. on the evenings of Tuesday, February 26th (7th-grade cast) and Thursday, February 28th (8th-grade cast) in the cafetorium. Tickets are $5.
9th Grade Parent Information Night Monday, February 25th at 6:00pm in the Busbee Cafeteria for all 8th grade parents.
BCAA Archery Team Places Fifth in the Gator Challenge Congratulations to the Archery Team for placing 5th in the Gator Challenge. They reached their goal and scored over 3000!
My Academy Web Site The BCAA SLED Team (Students Leading Education) launches the My Academy Web Site.
Job Shadow Day - January 30th Wednesday, January 30th is our job shadow day. Each student will receive two forms: a job shadow permission form and a job shadow worksheet. The permission form is due by 1/23. The worksheet must be completed and returned on 1/31 for the student to receive credit and an excused absence.
USC Basketball Game- Tues. 29th USC Basketball Field TripTuesday, Jan. 29th3:30pm-8:45 pm*Have a ride at Busbee for pick up at 8:45pm from the back parking lot*
October Staff Member of the Month Congratulations to Mrs. Fisher for being nominated as our October Staff Member of the month.