Guitar Grade 6-2nd Quarter Assignments

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Notes on the Lines and Spaces for the Treble Clef 12/7/20 in Google Classroom

Notes on the Lines and Spaces for the Treble Clef 12/7/20

Good afternoon. Your quiz today is coming to you live from I have made it so you can have multiple attempts per question. YOU MUST ANSWER AT LEAST 20 QUESTIONS. Once you have completed the quiz then please do the following:
1. Click on your score.
2. Type your name in to the box.
3. Click, "Sign Report".
4. This will cause two links to come up. One is "Copy Link", the other is "Copy Code".
5. Click, "Copy Code".
6. Post your validation code in the google form below.
7. Begin practicing your power chord progressions on the guitar.

Buenas tardes. Tu cuestionario de hoy te llegará en vivo desde Lo hice para que puedas tener varios intentos por pregunta. DEBE RESPONDER AL MENOS 20 PREGUNTAS. Una vez que haya completado el cuestionario, haga lo siguiente:
1. Haga clic en su puntuación.
2. Escriba su nombre en el cuadro.
3. Haga clic en "Firmar informe".
4. Esto hará que aparezcan dos enlaces. Uno es "Copiar enlace", el otro es "Copiar código".
5. Haga clic en "Copiar código".
6. Publique su código de validación en el formulario de Google a continuación.
7. Empiece a practicar sus progresiones de acordes de potencia en la guitarra.


Fingerboard Mapping in Google Classroom

Fingerboard Mapping

Copy the map of the fingerboard that I have provided down onto a piece of paper.


Tell me three songs you heard over the holiday.  You may bullet your responses. in Google Classroom

Tell me three songs you heard over the holiday. You may bullet your responses.

Use the form below to give me the information that I will need.
Utilice el formulario a continuación para darme la información que necesitaré.


Drawing Quarter Notes in Google Classroom

Drawing Quarter Notes

Good morning everybody. Your assignment for during class today will be to draw six quarter notes and six quarter rests on some staff paper which will be provided. After you have successfully drawn 6 quarter notes and 6 quarter rests you will then do the following:
1. Take a picture of your work using your Chromebook.
2. Upload the photo to this assignment page.
3. Click "Turn-In" or submit on the assignment page.
4. Get ready to play some more guitar.


Rhythms, Rhythms, Rhythms in Google Classroom

Rhythms, Rhythms, Rhythms

I really like how the good people at present this material. Rhythm is truly about the duration or how long a note will last for.
1. Please view the lessons below.
2.complete the Google Form as well for your exit ticket.
We will be going over this during our class time.

Me gusta mucho cómo la buena gente de presenta este material. El ritmo realmente se trata de la duración o cuánto durará una nota.
1. Vea las lecciones a continuación.
2. Complete también el formulario de Google para su boleto de salida.
Repasaremos esto durante nuestro tiempo de clase.


What is your favorite type of music? in Google Classroom

What is your favorite type of music?

Tell me what your favorite type of music is and what it is that you like about it. Post your answer on the stream so that others can see and respond to you. Remember, no music bashing please. If you do not like another persons type of music, that is ok. However, let us please not start off our time together by insulting each other. A non-confrontational way to say such things would be to simply say, "I do not like that type of music." Then to say nothing else.

Dime cuál es tu tipo de música favorita y qué es lo que te gusta de ella. Publica tu respuesta en las novedades para que otros puedan verte y responderte. Recuerde, no golpee la música, por favor. Si no te gusta el tipo de música de otra persona, está bien. Sin embargo, no comencemos nuestro tiempo juntos insultándonos unos a otros. Una forma no conflictiva de decir tales cosas sería simplemente decir: "No me gusta ese tipo de música". Luego, por no decir nada más.